Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What is the best way to prevent and detect melanoma?

Watching this 8 minute video could save your life!

Why do I care? Because it runs in my family.

My father has skin cancer.
My mother has skin cancer.
My maternal grandmother had skin cancer.
My maternal grandfather had skin cancer.

It runs in my family and it makes me run scared.  I have an excellent chance of getting skin cancer.

I "baked" in the sun as a teenager and throughout my life. I used "baby oil" to get that deep dark "ban du soleil" tan advertised by those sexy long legged models.

I burned every year.  I was a lifeguard for two summers.  One time on a college spring break, I burned myself into the emergency room, nauseous, in pain, and swollen like a cucumber.  My skin peeled like a banana a week later.

But most importantly, my mother was diagnosed with melanoma in 2008.  She had a mole on the top of her scalp that her hairdresser found.  It was melanoma and they took a golf ball sized "divot" out of her head.  In 2011, during a routine PET scan, they found a spot on her lung and it turned out to be melanoma.  Metastasizing to an organ is Stage IV Melanoma.  This is serious stuff.  (After a year of interferon treatment that debilitated her physically, 9 months later, her scans are clear.)

What can you do?  

Watch Dr. Mike Evans video and share it with everyone you know.  It can save your life and the life of someone you know.

Living 365fitt,

365fitt is about training for the event called LIFE, focusing on physical, nutritional and emotional wellness through lifestyle adaptations.  Kathy is available for personal training and wellness consultations and corporate wellness.  365fitt invites you to participate in a Healthy Active Living trip to incredible destinations.  Please visit 365fitt for more information.  Live 365fitt!

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